All purchasing must be done through the BuyIt system. No out of pocket spending will be reimbursed
- Ensure you have User status in BuyIt
- If you are not registered as a User in Buy It, then please submit a New User Registration
Form. - In the last information block, check the box marked "Browser/Shopping - can load up a cart but cannot check out."
- Once the registration form is sent, email procurement systems administrator Lauren Hickey, [email protected], to inform her that you have submitted the form. Be sure to mention in the email that this is for MMAE 432.
- If you are not registered as a User in Buy It, then please submit a New User Registration
- Access Buy it by clicking on the 9 dots in the upper right hand corner of your myIIT portal and then clicking on "Access Illinois Tech"
- Click the icon labeled "BuyIt eMarketplace"
- You can search a single item across all vendors in the top search bar, or go to a specific vendor's website.
- If you go to a specific vendor's website, work your way through the usual ordering process (i.e., find the items, add them to your cart, and checkout). During the checkout process, you may get a warning that "this order requires approval." Click on submit order for approval.
- It will return you to the BuyIt system.
- Click on where you want it shipped to. In the past we have used both the MTCC or the MMAE main office. You can also have items picked up. For example, if you buy things from Home Depot, it's easiest, fastest, and cheapest, if you pick them up yourself at Home Depot.
- In the justification tab, enter that this is for MMAE 432.
- When you check out, add in the following FOAP information: 100700 - 2241 - 7156 - 2100.
- Click on Reassign and then select Lina Diaz. Add a note that this is for MMAE 432 and put in your email address.