Solid Modeling Assignment - due Lab week 13
Each drawing must identify who made the part and who made the engineering drawing. Your individual grade will be based on your contribution.
Grading Criteria:
Grading Criteria:
- 5.0 A+, complicated part drawing containing advanced CAD features, properly toleranced drawing with no mistakes (rarely given, but I have seen it in previous classes).
- 4.0 A, complicated part (If your project does not have such complicated parts, that is OK. I grade on a relative scale), properly toleranced drawing with no mistakes.
- 3.0 B, same as above but maybe a couple mistakes in the tolerancing,
- 2,0 C, simple part or numerous tolerancing mistakes, poor hand drawing.
- 1.0 D, same as C, but too a further degree
- 0.0 F, incomplete assignment